Over 45 years of experience is the fundament for the engineering of the TRÔNE memory seats

With more than 45 years of experience in the field of mobile seating, TRÔNE Seating has introduced a number of innovations to the driver’s seat market with its engineering department. This engineering department also offers a solid foundation to support companies in developing their own exclusive seat concept.

This may involve a completely new seat, an adjustment/improvement to an existing seat or the optimization of a seat for the use for which it is intended.

Ergonomics, ease of use and seating comfort at their best!

There are many seats on the market, but they are often standard and not suitable for specific working conditions. They often also do not have sufficient adjustment options to offer the variety of drivers a suitable sitting position. TRÔNE Seating has developed an innovative new seat concept in close consultation with users.

Inventory meeting, demo or 4 weeks free trial?

A non-binding inventory meeting with TRÔNE Seating will quickly give you a good picture of quick wins and innovations in seating solutions that can make a big difference for your daily practice and your employees.

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TRÔNE Memory badge

The TRÔNE seat can also be easily adjusted using the Memory badge.

Using the Memory badge, the TRÔNE memory seat automatically adjusts to the personally saved settings within seconds. This can be done for up to 999 people per seat.

The benefits

Ergonomic seating is made possible by the 7 or more different memory settings.

Each person has their own profile, which can easily be set for multiple TRÔNE seats.

The result

Through optimal seating comfort and support, there is less back pain and fatigue, more focus and productivity. Less sick leave!


The optimum ergonomics of your workplace

When developing a cabin, the required functionality and design are considered rather than the ergonomics of the workplace. Some cabins are particularly restrictive. Think of the cabin of a container truck. It is low, which means that a good suspension often cannot be used, heavy, which means that it transmits a lot of vibrations, and small, which means that one sits too low, cannot lose one’s legs and cannot turn around the axis to look back.

Tall drivers have a hard time in such a situation. The forklift seat hinders healthy working on the truck and is limited in its possibilities because it is built for the machine and not for humans.

Optimizing the seating situation

TRÔNE Seating can help you find smart solutions to optimize such a seating situation. TRÔNE works together with specialists from all disciplines. From engineering, design, to health and safety specialists.

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Engineering sketch of the TRÔNE Low Back Electric. Developed for working without back problems in various applications.

100% knowing you're
sitting healthy and safely?

Order the demo bus and and experience a TRÔNE on location!

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